I received the following e-mail yesterday morning ...
"What has happened to your friendly and homespun newsletter? Where is news about your mother? I always enjoyed your refreshing description of your week and all you did and your latest projects. Now this epistle is so cold, just like all the other impersonal newsletters whose only aim is to sell their ware. I always looked forward to Fridays and "words" from you.
How about returning to your old way at least once in a while?
A sad subscriber "
What was so interesting about that e-mail was this ... I woke up 'wide awake' Saturday at 3:00am (gwad I hate that!!!) and while trying to convince my brain to shut up and go back to sleep, that very thing was what was running through my head. I'd just written such a cut and dried newsletter that it was bothering me! The last few newsletters had the same impersonal feel (or lack of feeling) to them too! I totally agreed with her!!!
Newsletters are a funny thing. If I make personal comments or talk about (well - ramble, as I tend to do) what's going on in my life, I'll get e-mails from those who remind me that I am a 'shop' and should only talk shop stuffs. If I only talk shop stuffs, then I get emails asking me about my mom's health or if I've been 'hit with a mattress lately' .. well, you get the idea!
That was one of the reasons I started this Blog .. to keep the newsletters about the shop and this more about me and what I'm doing. Then I don't post here as often as I would like to because I want to stitch instead of sitting at a computer. And at the shop, I rarely have time to just sit and yammer about stuffs.
I will still post here .. this is different than my shop newsletters and I will make every effort to keep that difference going. My newsletters WILL return to the 'old way I used to write'. I'm a 'stitcher', I'm a 'shop', I'm an 'individual as well as a shop owner' .. and I should never have tried to SEPARATE the two. My shop newsletters will hopefully bring 'me' to your computers, with chatter about my life, my stitching, shop information, what the gals are doing in the shop, what's happening with market, my dog and my cats. My shop newsletters will return with that personal touch that so many of you have complimented me on; where stitchers have told me that reading them makes them think they 'know' me as a real live stitcher and not just a 'brick and mortar' building that holds needlework within its' walls.
Criticisms ... bring them on. Kudos .. those are welcome too! The worst that can happen? I'll lose some subscribers. The best that can happen? You'll enjoy your newsletters again and I'll possibly gain some new subscribers.
Stitches N Things IS me ... the shop reflects my personality .... and I'm sorry for forgetting that!
Starting a newsletter list
2 weeks ago
Oh I am so PLEASED to read this and that you will be returning to your "old self" soon, I have missed the updates and the news on your life. Thank you!
I second Santadeb ---- love the newsy newsletters.
I hung a sheep in MY car so I wouldn't be hit with any mattresses. And, thanks to you, I haven't been. See --- you're doing important good works with those newsletters.
But really --- do what makes YOU happy and let the nagpies go.
Have a stitchy week!
I, too, look forward to your Friday newsletters not only to see what's new and what I'm going to be ordering next, but also hear from a
"friend" and what's going on in her life. You've cheered me up more times than I can tell you. I want to hear about your pets, mom, Dave, leaky roof [not really] what you're working on what everyone else in the shop is doing. It's like hearing from a good friend every Friday. Welcome back!
Just glad you are OK. My first thought was that something was wrong with your mom, yourself or business.
I read your newsletters to get the latest info on new charts, but also love reading about you and the girls at the store. Glad you will be returning to your "old self".
I like the newsy newsletter but also love your blog!
Deb, I love reading your newsletters and I agree with the comments that the friendly chatter is a bonus. Yes, I want to hear what is new in the stitchy world but I also enjoy reading about you, your family and the other ladies in the shop. I don't know why you would lose readers because of your personal touch, any intelligent person would just skip what they didn't want to read to get to what they did want to read. I say just be yourself. Those that have been following you for awhile (customers for upteen years) love you just the way you are.
Bravo! I couldn't be happier. The internet is so cold sometimes and I like the personal touches of your newsletters.
Deb, I only met you once, but feel as if you are a friend because I get a warm letter from you every Friday. I make myself get the dishes done and coffee made before I settle down with my partner and our cats to open my mail. I read the important parts out loud-can laugh and sometimes cry with you. You remind me to to get my mammogram appointment to kiss those near and dear and to always watch out for flying mattresses. You touch so many people! Keep it up (but only if it is best for you-we'll understand)
Deb - so glad you are returning to the "old" way of reporting. Personal is the best way in this cold world and I have to laugh at some of the things that happen - glad to know that my life is not the only one going to blazes some days. Love dealing with you and yours!
Sandy in NJ
Thank you so much. I like recieving your e-mails with all the new info but I LOVE to get info about you and your family. I know it sounds silly but it feels better (safer?) to order online from someone that you somehow connect with on a personal level. I do not live close to other shops so have to shop online if I want something now.
Oh, thank you for going back to your "old way" with the newsletter! I, too, miss you funny stories, anecdotes and all the other mishmash you sometimes ramble on about!
It's much more fun than some other newsletters I get, which just put out what they have and nothing remotely entertaining at all in them!
I love to hear about your life, family, furbabies and all. So bring it on!!
I am so glad you are returning to the more personal way you previously wrote your newsletters. I loved each of them and looked forward to them each week. Nicole Roper Harvest, AL
Love the personal comments in your newsletter. They make me feel that you are closer than you really are and they make you and your shop more human if you will. The humor and charts you talk about make your store so much better and they show all of us stitchers that we have a friend we can identify with and visit with each week. love your store and enjoyed the newsy eletters.
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