... and heading back home from Nashville! Still a bit tired, but this was a FANTASTIC Market! Kudos to those vendors and shops who attended ... and a BIG "Boy Did You Ever Miss Out" to those who didn't attend! I think this was one of my better markets .... fun wise, shopping wise, networking wise .. it was just great!
If you've not been following Ellen Chesters' blog (With My Needle), check it out ... great photos of her booth/room AND lots of pictures of shop owners ... its so neat to be able to put a face to a name or a voice! I got to meet Tracy of Ink Circles in person and some others too. Karen Kubla of Rosewood Manor took my 'silk gauze' class. She had an idea of something she wanted to do, but wasn't sure how she was going to be able to pull it off. After seeing how I stitch on gauze as though I were just doing cross stitch and NOT the needlepoint manner of filling in the background (I find different materials to mount behind the gauze so only the design is stitched .. and the tin foil, or fabric, or colored mat board is the 'background') ... Karen said she can go ahead with her plan for a new design and feels really confident about it! I was just 'honored' to have a designer in my class room!!!
Bringing back 3, count em ... 3 TRUNK SHOWS with me! All of Hinzeit's NEW designs, some of Amy Bruecken's newest (she'll bring the rest to Camp when she comes to teach), as well as some of Elizabeth's Designs stitched models! I'll find room in the shop for display as quickly as I can and then will be boxing them all up again to take to the "Stitches N Things On The Road Boutique" for Camp at the Comfort Inn in Davison. If you're going to be in the area of my shop between this coming weekend and March 17th, stop in and check them out!! If you're going to be in the Davison MI area March 19 - 21, you will want to stop by the Comfort Inn and see them on display there! I've also found LOTS of incredibly really neat stuff to 'stock' the Camp Boutique with - I'm excited!!
Now to continue adding to the website. I seem to have brought everything I needed for this task EXCEPT for my camera charger .. so as long as I can take pics and put them on from here in the van, I will. The rest will have to wait ... some of the limited edition stuffs ... until I can get back to the shop. A portable scanner is now on my Christmas List!!
With that, I'd better get back to work! See you soon!
Starting a newsletter list
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